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Monday, September 04, 2006

Google Add Ons

**Warning** I am sure by using this service or any service of Google's they are recording all your searches, messaging, emails, form information, secrets, thoughts, blood type and brain waves... just so you're warned.

This for you people who don't know that google offers a huge variety of add ons you can view everytime you view the google home page. I thought everyone knew but apparently not.
From the google home page, you can sign on... oh right you need a Google Email Account (gmail) but you should have one anyway because they give away 2.7 gig and counting in storage space.

So you've signed on and now you can choose any number of hundreds of quirky little applciations that will be available on your google home page whenever you sign in.

I think it's fantastic and I use it all the time...
One important add on is I can see my gmail while I surf...
Anyhoo, here are the rest of the add ons I've chosen

Date and Time
top stories
Note keeper
Big Lebowski quotes
Earthquake watch
ABC News
Reuters News
Magic 8 Ball
Factular facts and trivia
Drudge Report
Daily Horoscope
Gullible Info...,*I fell for it*
BBC News
Reuters Oddly Enough
Lucky Numbers
Buddist Thought of the Day
New Urban Legends
Bagadavita quotes
Timer Top Five Box Office
Quotes of the Day
Mormon Thought of the Day
IT world Canada Writers Blog
Collapsed Modules
GMail Counter
Powell's Books Overview
Arts and Letters Criticism
Research Buzz

And remember, that's just afew of all the options.... so add on and make your home page worthwhile!


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About Me

Alberta, Canada
Poetry, Self Help, Random Thought