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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Other than

clipped from

You can taste it in the shock and roar of a first, unexpected kiss,
or in the blood in your mouth that instant after an accident when you
realize you’re still alive. It blows in the wind you feel on the
rooftops of a really reckless night of adventure. You hear it in the magic
of your favorite songs, how they lift and transport you in ways that no
science or psychology could ever account for. It might be you’ve
seen evidence of it scratched into bathroom walls in a code without a
key, or you’ve been able to make out a pale reflection of it in the
movies they make to keep us entertained. It’s in between the words
when we speak of our desires and aspirations, still lurking somewhere
beneath the limitations of being “practical” and “realistic.”

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Alberta, Canada
Poetry, Self Help, Random Thought