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Thursday, August 17, 2006

One thing

It doesn’t seem possible that one person could explain the universe. It’s just too big. However, if you will believe (just for a second) that the answers are simple then whatever you learn here applies everywhere else. Believe it or not and it will work whatever you believe; This is your world. Oh, This is my world, but only for me. For you, it’s always been yours, is yours and will always be yours. You are everything you see. You can’t be anything else. You’re in charge. Whatever you decide, however you choose to feel, whatever is your experience, This is you.

Whatever you do with what is written here, I offer this thought. “It’s all about you!” We joke around the table, it’s all about you or it’s all about me. The joke is true; its essence is our truth. The only thing I will ever know is me. The only place you will ever find truth is you. It can be difficult to want to look there. Fortunately, there is only one truth and you can see your truth in everyone you meet.


What’s All This?

Everyone you know is one and the same thing. Everything you see is one and same thing. Everything that has ever been, is now, or will ever be is one and same thing. There’s only one thing that makes up everything we see, hear, think and feel. What we do with this knowledge or don’t do is up to each of us.

That’s it. End of story.

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Alberta, Canada
Poetry, Self Help, Random Thought