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Monday, July 30, 2007

told you it wasn't a fall - :(

Chief Justice Roberts Suffers Seizure
Chief Justice John Roberts suffered a seizure at his summer home in Maine on Monday, causing a fall that resulted in minor scrapes, Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said.

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It ain't what it is, it's what we think it is

My Encounter with the TSA
He asks what it is. I tell him it is a battery charger for my iPod. He asks if I made it myself, to which I reply that I purchased a kit over the internet. He says that he can't let me on the plane with it. I explain to him that I have flown with it 4-6 times a month for a year now and nobody has questioned it. He says, "Not on my watch and not with my people."

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Learn how to spell the word RIDICULOUS.

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Alberta, Canada
Poetry, Self Help, Random Thought